* Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> [2020-12-29 00:07]:
> >>> "JL" == Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> writes:
> > * Daniel Martín <mardan...@yahoo.es> [2020-12-28 19:22]:
> >> Hongyi Zhao <hongyi.z...@gmail.com> writes:
> >> 
> >> > Is it possible for me to edit Microsoft Excel spreadsheet directly
> >> > from within emacs, especially utilizing the powerful capabilities of
> >> > orgmode?
> >> 
> >> Not directly, but you could first save the Excel spreadsheet as CSV and
> >> then import it into Org-Mode using M-x org-table-import.  I haven't
> >> checked how this works in practice, so YMMV.
> > It performs poorly and takes very long time. It is limited unless
> > limits are raised. And its usability on the scale from 0 to 10 is 1.
> Not for me. What sort of files were you converting?

Directory of businesses with their names and addresses in CSV
format. It is not the only file that would have those problems. One
way to go could be not to use Org mode, but to use org-table-importa
as that is then much faster, and then to turn on org mode again.

I have just said my user experience, I am not using org-table-import
as I find it hackish function low on the scale of usability.

When importing CSV documents I usually import it into database by
using the built in PostgreSQL features or Emacs Lisp parsing of

Org tables I used mostly for transactions but not any more as it does
not scale up with many people, it becomes hell and it would be tedious
or impossible to teach any staff on distance on how to use it. There
is no collaboration.

PostgreSQL offers collaboration feature with its server model right
out of the box and staff member on distance can enter their
transactions straight. So I replaced Org mode tables with database
backed. Right tool for right purpose.

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