>>> "JL" == Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> writes:

> * Daniel Martín <mardan...@yahoo.es> [2020-12-28 19:22]:
>> Hongyi Zhao <hongyi.z...@gmail.com> writes:
>> > Is it possible for me to edit Microsoft Excel spreadsheet directly
>> > from within emacs, especially utilizing the powerful capabilities of
>> > orgmode?
>> Not directly, but you could first save the Excel spreadsheet as CSV and
>> then import it into Org-Mode using M-x org-table-import.  I haven't
>> checked how this works in practice, so YMMV.

> It performs poorly and takes very long time. It is limited unless
> limits are raised. And its usability on the scale from 0 to 10 is 1.

Not for me. What sort of files were you converting?

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