Le jeu. 07/25/19 juil. 2019 à 03:15:49 , Ken Mankoff <mank...@gmail.com>
a envoyé ce message:
> On 2019-07-25 at 12:24 -04, Joseph Vidal-Rosset 
> <joseph.vidal.ros...@gmail.com> wrote...
>> Documentation to create a todo.org list  that provides links to email as
>> tasks   is  not   seldom  on   the  web.   I  recommend   for  example
>> [[http://pragmaticemacs.com/]]. 
>> But for gnus-imap-gmail users, it is more difficult to get the same
>> thing.
> FYI, here is the mu4e implementation defined so that the standard 
> org-store-link properly work based on msgid:
> https://github.com/djcb/mu/blob/master/mu4e/org-mu4e.el#L117
> When viewing email I use the same keybindings as elswhere, C-l to store link, 
> and C-c C-l to paste it and I get:
> [[mu4e:msgid:325foo...@mx.google.com][SUBJECT OF EMAIL]]
>   -k.

Many thanks for this information Ken. Did you want to suggest that it is
not difficult to adapt such a function for gnus by replacing the mention
of mu4e by gnus' in the code?

I would be a good thing indeed  to avoid this need of updating link that
is presently necessary with gnus working with imap.gmail.com .

 Best wishes,

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