On Thursday, 25 Jul 2019 at 19:24, Joseph Vidal-Rosset wrote:
> Of course, INBOX works  for you if you do not archive  the message in All
> emails folder or elsewhere. If you move it from INBOX, in case where you
> like to have the cleanest INBOX that  is the empty one, you won't get no
> more the email via this link.

Okay, yes, if you move it, the link needs to be updated.  I wonder if
the gnus registery could help with this?  But that's well beyond my

: Professor Eric S Fraga, http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~ucecesf
: PGP/GPG key: 8F5C 279D 3907 E14A 5C29  570D C891 93D8 FFFC F67D
: Use plain text email when possible: https://useplaintext.email/

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