Le   jeu.   07/25/19   juil.   2019   à   05:33:57   ,   "Fraga,   Eric"
<e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk> a envoyé ce message:

> Okay, yes, if you move it, the link needs to be updated.  I wonder if
> the gnus registery could help with this?  But that's well beyond my
> gnus-fu.

The only mention of gnus registry in my setup is the following one:

(setq gnus-registry-max-entries 50000)

and, by the way, it is maybe inconsistent with

(setq gnus-newsgroup-maximum-articles 70000)

But  without the  trick that  I just  gave, I  had no  solution, and  my
knowledge of gnus is too weak to reply about gnus-registry.

 Best wishes,

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