Hi Jan,

2015ko azaroak 4an, Jan Malakhovski-ek idatzi zuen:


>> Also, what is ignore-errors protecting? The call to date-to-time, or
>> format-time-string? I think the scope of ignore-errors should be as
>> narrow as it can be.
> I have no idea. I moved these lines from org-gnus, equivalent lines in
> org-*other-mail-reader*s don't use ignore-errors at all. I don't use
> gnus so went for the safest change.

Checking the source, date-to-time can raise an error (invalid date).
format-time-string is a C function, so it’s less easy for me to
understand.  But it looks like if it raises any errors, these are bugs
that we want to know about and not suppress.

The ignore-error call was introduced to org-gnus in commit 0dfde2da.
Based on the commit message, it looks like the problem being solved was
invalid dates getting passed to date-to-time.

So I think the ignore-error can just wrap the date-to-time call.

Aaron Ecay

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