Envoyé de mon iPhone

> Le 27 oct. 2015 à 01:14, Nick Dokos <ndo...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Peter Davis <p...@pfdstudio.com> writes:
>> Nick Dokos <ndo...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> Peter Davis <p...@pfdstudio.com> writes:
>>>> I'm trying to export PDF from org, but I'm getting the error:
>>>> pdflatex: Command not found. [3 times]
>>>> I've checked the definition of exec-path, and it includes
>>>> "/usr/texbin", which is where tcsh tells me the executable is.
>>>> Any ideas?
>>> Backtrace?
>> Sorry. Here's the backtrace:
>> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "PDF file ./test.pdf wasn't produced")
>>  signal(error ("PDF file ./test.pdf wasn't produced"))
>>  error("PDF file ./test.pdf wasn't produced")
>>  org-latex-compile("./test.tex")
>>  #[(file) "\301!\207" [file org-latex-compile] 2]("./test.tex")
>>  org-export-to-file(latex "./test.tex" nil nil nil nil nil #[(file)
>> "\301!\207" [file org-latex-compile] 2])
>>  org-latex-export-to-pdf(nil nil nil nil)
>>  (org-open-file (org-latex-export-to-pdf nil s v b))
>>  (if a (org-latex-export-to-pdf t s v b) (org-open-file 
>> (org-latex-export-to-pdf nil s v b)))
>>  (lambda (a s v b) (if a (org-latex-export-to-pdf t s v b)
>> (org-open-file (org-latex-export-to-pdf nil s v b))))(nil nil nil nil)
>>  org-export-dispatch(nil)
>>  call-interactively(org-export-dispatch nil nil)
>>  command-execute(org-export-dispatch)
>> This seems less useful to me than the *Messages* buffer:
> Yes, probably, but if I can get people to submit backtraces when getting
> an error, we can cut down the email volume by a factor of 2.43 (making up
> fictitious data to bolster my case...) In all seriousness, at least it
> shows that you are not going down some strange path.
> It's not clear to me why the error message in the message file is different
> from the error message above though.
>> Debug on Error enabled globally
>> org-babel-exp processing...
>> executing Dot code block...
>> Wrote 
>> /var/folders/d4/xb7t0gbd0f97p6494kz5xzdnmlncz8/T/babel-2213VOW/ob-input-22136yU
>> Code block evaluation complete.
>> Saving file /Users/davisp/Dropbox/HMH/test.tex...
>> Wrote /Users/davisp/Dropbox/HMH/test.tex
>> Processing LaTeX file ./test.tex...
>> pdflatex: Command not found. [3 times]
>> Entering debugger...
>> Mark set
>> End of buffer
>> I did verify that the shell, my default of tcsh, does show pdflatex at
>> the right location, /usr/texbin/pdflatex
> In combination, this pretty much says that org-latex-pdf-process was
> called (by examining the code for org-latex-compile) and it is set to
> the default value of invoking pdflatex three times (hence - probably -
> the "command not found 3 times" error), so as I said the standard path.
> As others have pointed out, your emacs does not know where to find
> pdflatex, even though your tcsh might. If your emacs is started from a
> tcsh that can find pdflatex, that would be strange; if it is started
> from your desktop environment/window manager, not so much (there are
> many things that could go wrong).
> OTOH, if exec-path contains the directory where pdflatex resides, then
> things are a bit screwy: exec-path is used by call-process, which is
> used by shell-command, which is used by org-latex-compile: so pdflatex
> should be found - that's a bit of a mystery.
> What happens if you say M-x shell-command RET pdflatex RET?
> Somebody suggested running "which pdflatex" in your shell - what does
> that say?
> And you say it should be in /usr/texbin - what happens if you invoke
> it with an absolute path: "/usr/texbin/pdflatex" in your shell?

Imiight have missed it - but which OS are you using?


> --
> Nick

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