John Hendy writes:

> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 2:26 PM, Peter Davis <> wrote:
>> I'm trying to export PDF from org, but I'm getting the error:
>> pdflatex: Command not found. [3 times]
>> I've checked the definition of exec-path, and it includes "/usr/texbin", 
>> which is where tcsh tells me the executable is.
> Someone else might have a better answer, but can you check your system
> itself first? I'm guessing "exec-path" is an Org/Emacs variable?
> Just try:
> $ which pdflatex
> Or
> $ pdflatex --version
> That would be my suggestion for starters. At least then you know it's
> definitely not your system/setup (my bet is that it is, though).
> John
>> Any ideas?
>> Thank you!
>> -pd


After trying what has alreaddy been suggested you might try putting your
cursor after the last bracket of this and pressing C-x C-e to see what
emacs thinks your shell PATH environment variable is set to:

(getenv "PATH")

If you can't see the correct path in there then it should probably be
set in ~/.profile or equivalent for tcsh rather than in ~/.tcshrc (I
don't use tcsh so I just guessed that filename).


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