On Mon, 26 Oct 2015, Myles English wrote:
John Hendy writes:
On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 2:26 PM, Peter Davis <p...@pfdstudio.com> wrote:
I'm trying to export PDF from org, but I'm getting the error:
pdflatex: Command not found. [3 times]
I've checked the definition of exec-path, and it includes "/usr/texbin", which
is where tcsh tells me the executable is.
Someone else might have a better answer, but can you check your system
itself first? I'm guessing "exec-path" is an Org/Emacs variable?
Just try:
$ which pdflatex
$ pdflatex --version
That would be my suggestion for starters. At least then you know it's
definitely not your system/setup (my bet is that it is, though).
Any ideas?
Thank you!
After trying what has alreaddy been suggested you might try putting your
cursor after the last bracket of this and pressing C-x C-e to see what
emacs thinks your shell PATH environment variable is set to:
(getenv "PATH")
If you can't see the correct path in there then it should probably be
set in ~/.profile or equivalent for tcsh rather than in ~/.tcshrc (I
don't use tcsh so I just guessed that filename).
Or put something like
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setenv "PATH"
in your init file.