Bastien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Tim Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Bastien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> ,----
>>> | #+BEGIN_HTML
>>> | #+BEGIN_LaTeX
>>> | #+BEGIN_TXT
>>> | #+BEGIN myblock
>>> `----
>> This is very off-topic, but how did you create the above
>> quote-thingies (assuming you did not do it by hand)?  Is this some
>> Emacs feature that you're using, or something else?  I ask because
>> I like it and want to use it. :D
> M-x boxquote-region (in message-mode)

Great, thanks!  I'm a relative Emacs noob but I'm becoming quite
effective.  Org mode is Wonderful.

>> And don't worry, I'll be posting some Org-related articles in the
>> near future.
> Great!  If you also feel like playing with Worg, just drop me a
> line.

Will do.


Tim Stewart
Lead UNIX Systems Administrator
Ciena Corporation
Alpharetta, GA, USA

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