"Eddward DeVilla" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I feel tempted to bring up my suggestion of [markup|text] format
> again, but I've been resisting because I feel like a develish nag.  So
> [*|at-syntax] could still be html specific if you really want
> something html specific, but there would be something that could be
> portable to all export formats.  It would just be a matter of deciding
> what 'org' marks should be supported and making sure exporters try to
> support them.  And of course there are other ways to get around *at
> syntax*.

I would vote against heavily mark-up format like that.  I
guess the original design of org-mode is to make a simple
text file that can make personal information organization
much simpler in emacs, as opposed to those half-mark-up
languages like emacs-muse.

I would suggest to keep current method, which is converting
everything that could be converted.  To resolve the
complication in some circumstances where conversion of `[1]'
or `_', `^' and etc. is not wanted, I would propose that we
can just use one of the mark-ups, `=code=', and make it be
actually `=verbatim='.

These are just what I think.  Probably there is another way
to go: merge with emacs-muse!

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