
> By "nonbreaking character", I meant the output of C-x 8 SPC (try it).
> This is iso-8859-1, not ascii, so we should avoid to handle this in Org
> source file -- but my bet is that people who want to insert nonbreaking
> characters are also people using other charsets than ascii.

   If you use C-x 8 SPC in a text file, you probably want to export it
as ~ in LaTeX, not to include that Unicode character directly. But
this conversion is a strange one, therefore it may be besser to offer
a syntax for the ~ (non-breaking space) in LaTeX. For instance \~ or ~

> >    Is it better to enter the unicode character directly, or offering
> > something like \~ ?
> For me \~ would rather mean "don't convert ~", which means: output "~"
> (at least in LaTeX, since the normal LaTeX conversion for ~ is \~)

   But we said that if someone writes ~ in an org-file, then it is
expected that ~ appears at the result. Therefore:
   ~ is for the sign ~
   other sign (maybe \~ ) is for the non-breaking space

   I know this behaviour it's not the same as LaTeX, but I don't think
it's a problem.


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