Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
Charles Marcus wrote:
heh... well, they would soon enough...

Seriously though... why call it a 'local delivery agent', when its
really more than that? Local suggests local/system users, and dovecot
delivery agent works fine for both local and virtual users. Postfix
calls its local delivery agent 'local', and its virtual delivery agent

It's local because it stores e-mails somewhere in the local filesystem
hierarchy, instead of sending it to a remote machine via SMTP (or any
other protocol).

I don't know postfix a lot, but I wonder why it needs two LDAs, one for
real users and one for virtual ones, when the only conceptual difference
should be where to store e-mails and where to lookup information on the
existence of the user and his mail spool directory.
Postfix's "local" and "virtual" exist because of specialized lookup mechanisms. Local just checks username portion of an address against the local password database, Virtual checks a configured mapping against the complete mail address.

The choice of a multi-function agent vs multiple specialized agents is a matter of preference and always a subject of debate. For a Dovecot analogy, the current incarnation of "deliver" might be split up into "deliver-mbox", "deliver-maildir", and "deliver-dbox" - although that doesn't translate fully, as the Postfix delivery agents do both mbox & maildir. I guess a better comparison would be "deliver-local", "deliver-ldap", "deliver-sql", etc.

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