On Oct 6, 2008, at 7:24 PM, Robert Schetterer wrote:

users after imap search, otherwise you always need some admin ( perhaps
with shell permissions ) for editing subcriptions and acls which not

Actually the SUBSCRIBE IMAP command is enough to make the mailboxes visible, no admin/shell access needed. And IMAP ACL commands are (at least partially) already implemented by Kolab people.

if you wont include shared folders functional in somehow that way
like cyrus does , dovecot wont be the first choice if advanced sharing
funktions in virtual domains/mailboxes are needed ( for sure, others
will be very happy with the current solution anyway )

I understand that the listing is important to get shared mailboxes usable for normal users. It's just not a high priority for me currently (especially because it's a lot of work and no-one's paying for it and I'm once again beginning to run out of money). Anyone else is welcome to implement it of course.. I think Kolab people will need it, so maybe they'll implement it.

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