Hi Timo, i tried a littel bit playing with shared mailboxes
namespace shared { separator = / # %%u gets expanded to the remote user. Instead of %%u you can # also use %%n and %%d. prefix = "shared/" location = maildir:/usr/local/virtual/%d:CONTROL=/usr/local/virtual/%d:INDEX=/usr/local/virtual/%d inbox = no list = yes subscriptions = yes hidden = no } should at last show all other users mailboxes when .DEFAULT acl is authenticated lr and dovecot-acl in /usr/local/virtual/%d is authenticated lr too but instead only shared is shown in thunderbird playing with %%u etc in combinations does not lead to working results too (sometimes shared^^ was shown, might be [EMAIL PROTECTED] isnt working for shared maildirs, @ could be a problem to maildir....?) your example was namespace shared { separator = / # %%u gets expanded to the remote user. Instead of %%u you can # also use %%n and %%d. prefix = shared/%%u/ location = Maildir:/home/%%u/Maildir:INDEX=~/Maildir/shared/%%u } so something with acl might not working in 1.2 and i think i need more explanation ( examples ...) in using %%u %%d ... to test shared mailboxes there were no usefull log entries which would give some more advice during testing...so it might be my fault and it only config stuff i didnt understand -- Best Regards MfG Robert Schetterer Germany/Munich/Bavaria