On Oct 6, 2008, at 1:09 PM, Robert Schetterer wrote:

but instead only shared is shown in thunderbird

Unless you manually subscribe to the shared mailboxes, they're not
visible to clients. Mailbox listing isn't supported currently.

Hi Timo,
understand manually subscribe is a "must have" currently
i will test this
will you change this up to stable 1.2 ?

You mean will I add support for listing shared mailboxes? I'm not really planning on doing that myself. Or there are actually two parts:

1) Listing mailboxes under a specific user (e.g. LIST "" shared/ username/*). This is a bit annoying to implement because of LIST- EXTENDED extension which allows giving multiple wildcards (e.g. LIST "" (shared/user1/* shared/user2/* shared/user3/*), but it shouldn't be too difficult. I might implement this.

2) Listing users who have mailboxes that are shared to you (e.g. LIST "" shared/*). This is difficult to do with good performance with Dovecot's current code. You don't really want Dovecot to look into 1000 users' maildirs to see if they happen to have some mailboxes that are shared to you..

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