On Oct 6, 2008, at 3:32 AM, Robert Schetterer wrote:

namespace shared {
 separator = /
 # %%u gets expanded to the remote user. Instead of %%u you can
 # also use %%n and %%d.
 prefix = "shared/"
 location =
maildir:/usr/local/virtual/%d:CONTROL=/usr/local/virtual/%d:INDEX=/ usr/local/virtual/%d

%d gets expanded immediately when user logs in. So if your user is [EMAIL PROTECTED], this gets expanded to:


With %%d it would expand to the destination user's domain, but I don't think you want that either. If your users' mailboxes are in /usr/local/ virtual/%d/%n and you want them to be accessed, you'll need to use / usr/local/virtual/%%d/%%n as the path.

but instead only shared is shown in thunderbird

Unless you manually subscribe to the shared mailboxes, they're not visible to clients. Mailbox listing isn't supported currently.

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