Dominik Schulz spake the following on 8/3/2007 5:39 AM:
> Am Freitag, 3. August 2007 13:52 schrieb Charles Marcus:
>> Please don't top-post... :)
> Uhm, ok. That's a no-go these days?
>>>>> Now I'm experiencing some strange behaviour when using some newer
>>>>> mail clients. Some of my Folders, like "spam", are vanished.
>>>> it may be a susbscription problem, with the "old" clients showing
>>>> all the folders and the "new" ones showing only the subscribed
>>>> ones.
>>>> See if you can subscribe to the missing folders, or change the
>>>> default setting to show all folders.
>>  > that's it :) Thank you very much.
>>  > For the records: Dovecot is fine, I have to blame the MUAs.
>> Eh? Folder subscription is such a basic feature/function of IMAP that I
>> would not blame the MUA in this case, I'd blame the user... ;)
> Yes, ok. Thats probably the case. I, as the administrator, should have known 
> better, but I don't expect my end-users to know anything about IMAP at all. 
> They just get the credentials to enter into their MUAs and shouldn't have to 
> worry about anything else.
>>  > This is not what I call "user-friendly".
>> Do you have a better way of managing folder subscriptions? As history
>> has shown, Timo is very open to innovating in dovecot...
> No, I don't. Please don't get me wrong. I very happy with dovecot. It's 
> exactly as I expect it to be. I was just confused by the way different 
> versions of, e.g. Thunderbird, handle subscriptions.
I can't say anything about the other clients, but I have been using
thunderbird on IMAP since 1.0.0 and I have never seen it defaulting to showing
unsubscribed folders. Maybe your users did it for their convenience, or had
the office "expert" "fix" it for them( you know that every office has at least
one self-professed know-it-all that shouldn't ever touch a system).


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