
it may be a susbscription problem, with the "old" clients showing all the 
folders and the "new" ones showing only the subscribed ones.

See if you can subscribe to the missing folders, or change the default setting 
to show all folders. 


El Viernes, 3 de Agosto de 2007 09:44, Dominik Schulz escribió:
> Hi,
> I'm using dovecot for some time now. Previously I was using Courier and
> I've migrated this setup to dovecot which went pretty fine.
> Now I'm experiencing some strange behaviour when using some newer mail
> clients. Some of my Folders, like "spam", are vanished.
> The strange point is that it only happens in some clients, like Thunderbird
> 2.x+ or KMail 3.5.x. In others, like Thunderbird < 2, Mutt or my Webmailer
> (Horde) they still show up. These folders are still there, i.e. in the
> filesystem, and the permissions seem to match those of the other folders
> which can be seem in all MUAs.
> I don't know if this is even related to dovecot but I think this is where I
> should start looking for an solution.
> I'm using dovecot 1.0.rc15 from Debian (stable/etch).
> It'd be great if anyone was able to help me. Thanks in advance.
> Best Regrads
> Dominik Schulz

Joseba Torre. CIDIR Bizkaia.

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