that's it :)

Thank you very much. 

For the records: Dovecot is fine, I have to blame the MUAs.

This is not what I call "user-friendly".

Am Freitag, 3. August 2007 09:54 schrieb Joseba Torre:
> Hi,
> it may be a susbscription problem, with the "old" clients showing all the
> folders and the "new" ones showing only the subscribed ones.
> See if you can subscribe to the missing folders, or change the default
> setting to show all folders.
> Aaaaaaaaaagur.
> El Viernes, 3 de Agosto de 2007 09:44, Dominik Schulz escribió:
> > Hi,
> > I'm using dovecot for some time now. Previously I was using Courier and
> > I've migrated this setup to dovecot which went pretty fine.
> >
> > Now I'm experiencing some strange behaviour when using some newer mail
> > clients. Some of my Folders, like "spam", are vanished.
> >
> > The strange point is that it only happens in some clients, like
> > Thunderbird 2.x+ or KMail 3.5.x. In others, like Thunderbird < 2, Mutt or
> > my Webmailer (Horde) they still show up. These folders are still there,
> > i.e. in the filesystem, and the permissions seem to match those of the
> > other folders which can be seem in all MUAs.

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