On 22/01/2021 Dennis Hamilton wrote:
In the case of documentation projects and their repositories, the exception is 
not workable.

Hello Dennis, nice to hear from you... it's been a while!

I basically I agree to everything, but I go a bit further in that I don't see a restriction on using an ASF-owned repository.

We all agree that most of what was written to this list about licenses mixes up releases and other work. Documentation does not go into an Apache release and it does not undergo a formal vote by the PMC, so the release policy does not apply to it.

This means that people from the project can work on CC-BY documentation, and here we agree.

And, if you ask me, my view is that they can do that even using an ASF-owned repository different from our source repository; then others might believe that every commit is a release and then we might interpret https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LEGAL-552 in different ways.

But honestly I would still pursue the avenue of a dedicated ASF repository. All we need to do is, maybe, reopen LEGAL-552 and ask for additional clarifications.


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