On Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 8:48 PM Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca>

> Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca> wrote:
>     > definition which was objected to by multiple IESG members.
>     >
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-acme-integrations/ballot/
>     > (in RFC-editor Q, on missref)
>     > So, if you didn't like that definition before, then probably you
> should
>     > object to RFC8499bis keeping it.
> Ted's original review that lead to this:
> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/dnsdir/Ev83RjCbQcC64paenZXJawKxu9k/

Thanks for the pointer.

If I'm understanding Ted's critique correctly, he is objecting to
conflating the
definition of a domain name with the tree structured DNS namespace, and
using graph theoretic language to make it harder for readers to understand.
(Ted please correct my interpretation if needed).

I agree with that.

I think we need to clearly separate the definition of a domain name with
the 'domain name space'. A domain name is just a sequence of labels,
and is a concept that exists independent of the tree structured namespace
of the global DNS (or any private DNS namespace for that matter). For
example query names may not actually correspond to anything existing
in the DNS namespace, yet they are still valid domain names; owners of
TSIG records are domain names that just identify a TSIG key agreed upon
by their users, and typically have nothing to do with the actual domain name
space. Other examples can be cited.

rfc8499bis-09 has the basic definition correct:

   Domain name: An ordered list of one or more labels.

It then seems to muddy the waters a bit in the sub paragraph by describing
the domain name space, and relating domain names to it. It would be better
to have a separate definition in the document for "Domain Name Space", quote
the relevant text from 1034, and make it clear that although nodes in the
domain name space tree correspond to domain names, domain names can
also exist independent of the namespace.

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