On Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 8:34 AM Paul Wouters <p...@nohats.ca> wrote:

> On Sun, 17 Sep 2023, Salz, Rich wrote:
> [ speaking as individual only ] [...]
> I would say that if the WG didn't think it was important at the time by
> forgetting it, it probably is not an "important term", and I can see
> this not being fixed in an IETF LC anymore as an acceptable outcome.

Dear Paul: That may be a selective interpretation.  It could just as well
be that no one remembered to bring this term up during the life of the I-D.

Now, if a simple question to the WG on whether the document should include
this term elicits a "no", then of course, the case is closed.  On the other
hand, if the WG returns a "yes", then it seems that the term should be
included in the current revision at the expense of a couple of weeks of


- vijay
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