On Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 11:39 AM John Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:

> In article <CABcZeBNT9Wf2HxLDHR=tLod4YVgF-E=uaU7+=9nGLk=
> 01gd...@mail.gmail.com> you write:
> >> Yes. Leveraging the fact that the IETF community is in fact a community
> >> seems worth the effort to have the references in registries be useful
> to a
> >> new developer a decade in the future.
> >
> >OK. In that case you and I disagree.
> >
> >My reasoning is that (as above) these algorithms are generally of low
> >interest and that requiring community review for code point registration
> >has the result of consuming quite scarce resources in the service of
> making
> >the algorithms which are being registered marginally clearer. ...
> Sounds like expert review would be more appropriate, so only one
> person has to spend cycles deciding whether the spec looks plausible.

As I said, even that turns out to be quite a bit of work, depending on what
you think "plausible" means. If you review for "there appears to be
something vaguely formatted like a spec at this location", then sure. If
you mean "is this implementable", let alone secure, then it's pretty far
from easy.


> R's,
> John
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