> Il 9 luglio 2019 16:36 John Bambenek 
> <jcb=40bambenekconsulting....@dmarc.ietf.org> ha scritto:
> > I agree with pretty much everything else Jim said, but really this seems 
> > like the core issue: this seems like a proposal in the wrong venue.
> If the proposal is to create a standard by which to put contact
> information into DNS records, what venue would you suggest?

You could try with ETSI... Seriously, the IETF in the past has already decided 
not to standardize certain technologies, as they could easily have been used to 
gain access to personal information and identify/track people on a mass scale, 
even with the blessing of law enforcement authorities and with the purpose of 
legitimate investigation activities. It would be weird now to work on a 
mechanism that could easily be used to coerce people to self-identify 
themselves in a global, public, automatically scrapable database to facilitate 
similar investigations.

Vittorio Bertola | Head of Policy & Innovation, Open-Xchange
Office @ Via Treviso 12, 10144 Torino, Italy

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