Finally catching up.

>For any use of an underscore first-level name, that also uses a 
>second-level name, the authority over that second-level belongs entirely 
>and solely to that first-level name.
>    ..._my-second._firsta.example
>    ..._my-second._firstb.example
>have no conflict.

Aha.  That's somewhat different from what I gathered you were saying before.

>In the case of SRV, for example, that means that for the core SRV 
>template specification document:
>      1. The first-level, _Proto name assignment text has to be updated 
>to use the new, Attrleaf global table.
>      2. The second-level _Service name assignment text can remain 
>unchanged, per RFC 6335.

Seems right.  If we want to deal with URI names it needs a similar
update to RFC 6117 to put the enumservice type names into the
attrleaf table with a pointer back to the enumservice registry
for the second level subtypes.

>As for the proposed 'common, second-level' table...
>Given that this seems to reduce the Attrleaf 'common second-level' table 
>to only _adsp, I think it best to remove that table entirely from the 
>main attrleaf document, and instead have the separate fixup document 
>contain some text specific to the DKIM document's domain naming scheme, 
>to indicate how future second-level names should be assigned.  Since 
>ADSP is historic, specifying modification to it doesn't make sense to 
>modify it.

Agree, no need to set up a registry for one dusty name.


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