On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 10:06 PM, John Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:
>>So I suggest some thought should be given to reducing round-trips by
>>allowing for multiple DNS request payloads in a single HTTP request
>>message, and multiple DNS response payloads in an HTTP response message.
> Don't you get this automatically if it's treated as a TCP DNS
> connection?  You stuff a bunch of requests down the pipe, and you get
> back a bunch of responses.
> See RFC 7766.
> R's
> John

You get queueing for free, but not pipelining and out-of-order
responses, that has to be defined.
The draft mentions this, but I think at this point it should just
depend on HTTP/2,
as it's the only way to get decent performance from resolvers but high
variance in response time,
and request semantics in both is different and needs to be defined,
i.e. what happens when client cancels
in-flight query, what happens when server resolver pushes response.


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