On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 10:39 PM, John R Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:
>> for a web to DNS proxy to decide to send a reply back, it would need to
>> consider it complete?
>> Or are you proposing that the http server would start streaming back the
>> payload as it received the (possibly out of order) replies?
> I was thinking that the proxy would get all the queries from the DNS
> request, deal with them however it wants, maybe stuff them to a nearby DNS
> cache with TCP if it pipelines properly, or split them up into separate
> requests if it doesn't, then collect the responses and send them back when
> it has them, which I guess would constitute streaming.  RFC 7766 says that
> out-of-order is fine.

Without HTTP/2 each request, clients would need to start a separate
connection to get parallel processing, which means TCP handshake and
potentially a TLS and more bookkeeping code. So client makes requests
to proxy over HTTP/2 to mitigate the costs (here 7766 doesn't apply).
Then proxy translates incoming HTTP/2 multiplexed requests into either
DNS/TCP queries to origins (here 7766 helps)  or plain old DNS
(additional costs and bookkeeping). Server sends back DNS responses to
proxy, which in turn translates them to DNS/HTTP answers. So both
DNS/TCP out-of-order processing and DNS/HTTP out-of-order processing
is desirable here.

> I suppose with http/2 we get two-way streaming more or less for free.
> R's,
> John

Yep, the proxy can also push DNS answers to client ahead of time,
which is interesting and something DNS servers can't do right now. On
another note - this proposal kind of competes with DNS over HTTP
encoded in JSON. While that one doesn't transport exact byte-by-byte
DNS messages, it's much more consumer-friendly and elegant than
piggybacking binary data. I wonder why that one is not getting more


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