On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 3:42 PM, John R Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:

> why all that complexity? if some remote device (iot thingy) wants 'dns over
>> http' why would it not (as a first order answer) just ask
>> /cgi-bin/dnslookup for 'srv:foo.com' ? (returned answer in txt, json,
>> etc...)
>> why bother with a bunch of javascript tomfoolery?
> Security in IoT is close to an oxymoron, but my device would like to check
> the signature before trusting what your proxy says.
ok, I'm sure your device has some agreement with the cooperating http(s)
server though, right? it can get the text / bas64 rrsig content just as
easily as if it were doing udp/dns. (it should probably also check ssl
certificates/etc to make sure traffic did not get wonked in flight)
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