Tony I think my perspective is mainly from a CPE implementers point of
view.  Implementations are done by many third parties some who work with
operators and some who do not.  Guidance in a single document would be


-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Finch <> on behalf of Tony Finch
Date: Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 19:00
To: Alain Durand <>
Cc: Mark Andrews <>, Brian Haberman
<>, "" <>, Joel
Jaeggli <>, Fred Baker <>,
"" <>, John Jason Brzozowski
<>, Paul Ebersman
<>, Terry Manderson
Subject: Re: [DNSOP] New Version Notification for

>Alain Durand <> wrote:
>> In the particular case of the communication between the CPE and the ISP
>> DNS recursive resolver, the two parties are within the same
>> authority. Thus, the need to make a BCP is much lower. This can be seen
>> as simply an implementation issue.
>But there needs to be a specification for interop between the CPE and the
>ISP's network, so the ISP knows which suppliers they can buy equipment
>f.anthony.n.finch  <>
>Malin, Hebrides, Bailey, Fair Isle, Faeroes: South or southwest 4 or 5,
>occasionally 6 at first, then becoming variable 3 or 4 later. Slight or
>moderate in southeast Fair Isle, otherwise rough becoming moderate. Rain,
>drizzle or showers. Good, occasionally poor.

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