Forgot to add, I am interested in RFC3901bis.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Jason Brzozowski <>
Date: Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 15:01
To: Mark Andrews <>
Cc: Brian Haberman <>, ""
<>, Joel Jaeggli <>, Fred Baker
<>, "" <>, Paul Ebersman
<>, ""
Subject: Re: [DNSOP] New Version Notification for

>Mark this is in part, what we are planning on doing.  However, what we
>want to make sure we had was standards reference(s) that we could point
>implementers to.  Also note this case only pertains to DNS queries that
>are directed at the LAN of the CPE router i.e.  There are other
>use cases that we thought would be valuable to enumerate, including cases
>where hosts are configured with a publicly routable IPv4 DNS server
>address or DNS servers that are in the customer’s premises that are dual
>stacked.  In the later cases assigning only a DNS server IPv6 address
>would have no impact.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark Andrews <>
>Date: Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 14:37
>Cc: John Jason Brzozowski <>, Brian
>Haberman <>, "" <>,
>Joel Jaeggli <>, Fred Baker <>,
>"" <>, Paul Ebersman
><>, ""
>Subject: Re: [DNSOP] New Version Notification for
>>Also perhaps we should be looking at RFC3901bis.  Alain, Johan are you
>>In message <>, Mark Andrews
>>> The simplest way to force this is for the ISP to only supply IPv6
>>> recursive recursive servers to the CPE where 464XLAT / MAP* / DS-Lite
>>> is in use.  Also if a DUID is presented over DHCPv4 (RFC 4361) don't
>>> return nameservers.  The CPE device should be getting nameservers
>>> via RA/DHCPv6 in this case.
>>> The CPE at this point can only advertise it's own addresses IPv4
>>> address or manually configured addresses.
>>> Iterative servers should prefer IPv6.
>>> Mark
>>> -- 
>>> Mark Andrews, ISC
>>> 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
>>> PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> DNSOP mailing list
>>Mark Andrews, ISC
>>1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
>>PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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