Cross posting with dnsop and sunsets per email exchanges/conversations
with both sets of chairs.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Jason Brzozowski <>
Date: Monday, November 2, 2015 at 17:21
To: "" <>
Cc: Fred Baker <>, ""
<>, "" <>, Joel
Jaeggli <>, Paul Ebersman
<>, Brian Haberman
<>, ""
<>, Wesley George <>,
Marc Blanchet <>
Subject: New Version Notification for

>Please see the following I-D that was submitted earlier today.  We would
>appreciate your feedback and comments.  I had some offline email with the
>dnsop and v6ops chairs and ADs (they are copied instead of cross posting
>for now).  The guidance I received was to post this here to sunset4.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: "" <>
>Date: Monday, November 2, 2015 at 16:48
>To: Paul Ebersman <>, John Jason Brzozowski
>Subject: New Version Notification for
>>A new version of I-D, draft-jjmb-sunset4-dns-forwarding-ipv4aas-00.txt
>>has been successfully submitted by John Jason Brzozowski and posted to
>>IETF repository.
>>Name:         draft-jjmb-sunset4-dns-forwarding-ipv4aas
>>Revision:     00
>>Title:                DNS Forwarding and IPv4aaS
>>Document date:        2015-11-02
>>Group:                Individual Submission
>>Pages:                7
>>   The depletion of IPv4 coupled with the wide spread deployment of IPv6
>>   for broadband globally is creating an environment where service
>>   providers can seriously begin to consider alternate uses and
>>   applications for native IPv6 connectivity.  Pervasive, reliable
>>   support for IPv6 across many access technologies suggests that one
>>   critical use for native IPv6 is the carry legacy IPv4 communications.
>>   Today this is referred to as IPv4 as a Service (IPv4aaS).  IPv4aaS
>>   can leverage a variety of transports ranging from Mapping of Address
>>   and Ports (MAP) to Generic Route Encapsulation (GRE) along with other
>>   viable protocols.  Most every use case for IPv4aaS includes the use
>>   of CG-NAT, however, this is not strictly required.  The purpose of
>>   this document is to hone in on DNS specific behavior that must be
>>   taken into consideration as the deployment of IPv4aaS advances
>>   globally.
>>Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of
>>until the htmlized version and diff are available at
>>The IETF Secretariat

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