On 5 Oct 2015, at 10:42, George Michaelson wrote:

> Something very left field for me, but I believe important, is that we need
> to also publish the out-of-band publication point of the trust material.

This draft is exclusively concerned with publishing trust anchors out-of-band 
of the protocol.

> I mentioned this to Joe some time ago and was very correctly told "out of
> scope" but I believe its nonsensical to exclude physical publication, eg in
> newspapers of record for at least 3 economies worldwide, of the hash of the
> public key as a standing event.

This draft aims to document current practice. To my knowledge, nobody has ever 
published a trust anchor (or even a pointer to it) in print media.

> In-band only has some issues for me, if we are talking about trust.

Me too, hence the decision by ICANN to publish trust anchors using out-of-band 
mechanisms in 2009/2010, as this draft aims to document.


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