In message <>, Ralph Corderoy 
> AIUI, forgetting SkyDNS exists, it's allowable for a stub resolver to be
> configured to talk to a server that can answer authoritatively for the
> CNAME and the A, thus some clarification may be needed.

Stub resolvers are written as if they are talking to recursive
*servers*.  A lot of assumption break when that is not met.  Whether
those servers have authoritative zones on not is irrelevent.  The
question is do they build a response that is consistent with a RA=1
response (for when the server contains the entire DNS universe for
that stub client otherwise I would be saying it require RA=1).

DiG warns about non RA=1 answers for RD=1 queries because this
usually indicates a error either in resolv.conf pointing a non
recursive server or failure to clear RD=1 when talking to a
authoritative only server.

> Cheers, Ralph.
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