On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 08:01:37PM -0500, John R Levine wrote:
> I think we're conflating a bunch of different things here.

Well, one of us is ;-)

> Some networks force all port 53 traffic through their own DNS caches. That's
> clearly non-consensual (give or take the option to use a different network),
> but the networks that do that are all over the place in what rewriting they
> do.

Yes.  If they don't do any rewriting, then they're not doing policy.
If they do a little bit (maybe at the beginning, like a captive
portal), then they're _still_ implementing policy and non-consensual,
but they might shift mode after.

> My ISP (Time-Warner) has a DNS cache that usually rewrites NXDOMAIN to an A
> record for their search page, but each user can go to a settings page and
> say they want the real answers. 

In that case, the user shifts modes.  And if you use the
policy-implementing resolver, then it's consensual: you selected it.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan

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