In message <20140519161241.39243.qm...@joyce.lan>, "John Levine" writes:
> >>> It might be worth actively pushing the CDN folks to go the SRV
> >>> direction.   Even if ENAME were a good idea, which is
> >>>not clear to me, it's an idea that would require significant
> >>> infrastructure changes, whereas SRV records appear to be
> >>>functional now, with no DNS software changes.
> As I understand it, this is proposing a large DNS change as an
> alternative to a modest HTTP change.  Doesn't strike me as a great
> tradeoff.

It's trading off a in nameserver redirection which works with
wildcards to a in client redirection that doesn't work with

Everytime I have mentioned SRV records to HTTP folks they
say it won't work as the extra lookup takes too long.

> R's,
> John
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