If deployed software does not work with a TLD, it is the TLD owner who loses. 
ICANN makes it clear to applicants that the TLD may not function on the 
Internet (gTLD Applicant Guidebook, Proposed Final Version, Section 1.2.4, 
Notice concerning Technical Acceptance Issues with New gTLDs) and states that 
successful applicants 'may find themselves expending considerable efforts 
working with providers to achieve acceptance of their new top-level domain.'

The people responsible for the deployed software are under no obligation to 
make any changes.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: dnsop-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:dnsop-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Joe
> Abley
> Sent: Wednesday, 24 November 2010 12:35 PM
> To: Doug Barton
> Subject: Re: [DNSOP] draft-liman-tld-names-04
> On 2010-11-23, at 20:26, Doug Barton wrote:
> > On 11/23/2010 16:19, Joe Abley wrote:
> >>
> >> 1. there is no restriction to be inferred from RFC 1123 that TLD
> >> labels be alphabetic;
> >
> > Unqualified "yes" to this.
> I presume you appreciate that not everybody shares your opinion on this.
> >> 2. it is better for deployed software to break than for the IETF to
> >> involve itself in anything resembling policy.
> >
> > A qualified "yes" here. I'm saying that in _this_ situation, the IETF does
> not and should not have a policy role, and should limit its commentary to the
> technical. There is (rather obviously at this point) no _technical_ reason
> that TLD labels should be all-alphabetic.
> Well, beyond the expectation in deployed software this should be the case.
> That's an operational consideration that I think is reasonable to describe as
> technical.
> > Furthermore I am saying that the benefits of keeping the TLD namespace open
> to all technically possible values outweigh the costs. [...]
> I thought you weren't interested in discussing policy in the IETF? :-)
> Joe
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