On 2010-11-23, at 20:26, Doug Barton wrote:

> On 11/23/2010 16:19, Joe Abley wrote:
>> 1. there is no restriction to be inferred from RFC 1123 that TLD
>> labels be alphabetic;
> Unqualified "yes" to this.

I presume you appreciate that not everybody shares your opinion on this.

>> 2. it is better for deployed software to break than for the IETF to
>> involve itself in anything resembling policy.
> A qualified "yes" here. I'm saying that in _this_ situation, the IETF does 
> not and should not have a policy role, and should limit its commentary to the 
> technical. There is (rather obviously at this point) no _technical_ reason 
> that TLD labels should be all-alphabetic.

Well, beyond the expectation in deployed software this should be the case. 
That's an operational consideration that I think is reasonable to describe as 

> Furthermore I am saying that the benefits of keeping the TLD namespace open 
> to all technically possible values outweigh the costs. [...]

I thought you weren't interested in discussing policy in the IETF? :-)


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