]ke Nordin wrote:

>> Some non-ASCII name wrote:
>>> No, that statement is not correct. The mapping you might want
>>> depends on context, and that not only because of language,
>>> but also where the language is used. I.e. it depends on what
>>> locale you are using.

>> How the locale information could be supplied?

> I think that is rather far out of scope for the document in question.

Then, how the locale information for TLDs could be supplied?

> If every single standards document must address _every_  potential
> issue, the density of IETF work would have a significant Schwarzschild

I'm not saying that the document should specify a case
insensitivity description language nor that IETF should
specify the language.

But, there should be a field in TLD names to store the locale

                                                Masataka Ohta
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