On Mon, Oct 04, 2010 at 11:14:20AM -0400, Joe Abley wrote:
> On 2010-10-04, at 11:11, Eric Rescorla wrote:
> > Carefully specified, perhaps, but what you're saying here also makes me 
> > think it was 
> > also incorrectly specified, since, as I said, the technique I described is 
> > well-known, 
> > and failing to do so leads to precisely the complications that are at issue 
> > here.
> Regardless of what you think of it, what we have is what we have. Specifying 
> a trust anchor publication strategy that works with something different seems 
> a little pointless.

        i think the correct point is, this work documents what _was_ done, eg. 
a historical
        fact.  It also lays out what the authors think is best practice, given 
the current

        Its kind of tough to argue w/ someones beliefs.
        Facts - yes, beliefs - not so much.
        If there are factual errors in what occured, those can and should be

> > So, rather than designing a bunch of kludgy workarounds, it would be better 
> > to ask
> > what the right thing to do is, even if that requires changing some 
> > preexisting
> > document.
> Workarounds to what?
> I have not heard a clear description of a problem yet, just a lot of possible 
> solutions.

        And yet, you were part of a team that spent hundreds of thousands of 
        and several man-years working on a solution to a, as you state above, 
to a
        problem without a clear statement?

        I'd susggest that there might be better ways to do key management and 
that EKR 
        might have some good ideas on the subject.  But thats _future_ work.


> Joe
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