
--On 2 March 2010 09:38:50 -0500 Edward Lewis <ed.le...@neustar.biz> wrote:

Only in the last week did it sink into me that the problem is that we
need a way to push DS records along the established registration path and
not the DNS operations path.  What this means - for registries that
operate DNS and have direct dealings with registrants, the DS can go from
the registrant's designated DNS operator to the registry. For registries
that deal exclusively with registrars, the registrant's DNS operator has
to know how to get the DS to the registrar (who in turn will use some
other protocol to reach the registry).

I'm probably being very thick here, but could you explain why conceptually
this needs to be any different from the path taken to populate the NS
record and glue records (whether under DNSSEC or not)? Or are you only
suggesting this is the case where some sort of automatic pull is
in place?

Alex Bligh
DNSOP mailing list

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