At 10:43 +0100 3/2/10, Jaap Akkerhuis wrote:
> either have a bof (formal) or a small lunch mtg
> during the week of IETF77?
> I'd be glad to attend.
going to be there and he agreed to attend the BoF.
Note, it is way past the time to request a BOF so I geuss the only
option is something informal.
I'm on the verge of putting together a Bar BoF call on the IETF list.
There have been two work items I wanted to cover - EPPbis and the
issue of provisioning DS records.
Only in the last week did it sink into me that the problem is that we
need a way to push DS records along the established registration path
and not the DNS operations path. What this means - for registries
that operate DNS and have direct dealings with registrants, the DS
can go from the registrant's designated DNS operator to the registry.
For registries that deal exclusively with registrars, the
registrant's DNS operator has to know how to get the DS to the
registrar (who in turn will use some other protocol to reach the
Unfortunately, I doubt that many registrars will be at the IETF.
(Maybe they will be.) This means we might not get the word out to
those who should help shape the requirements for this.
My concern - if the IETF produces a solution for transferring DS
records in-band to the DNS protocol we will repeat a mistake made in
pushing EPP to Full Standard. Pushing EPP to Full Standard is in
itself a true accomplishment and there is no controversy, the process
was followed faithfully. The problem is, once it was Full Standard
it was found to not be applicable to the general population that it
was designed to serve. The protocol works and is interoperable; the
requirements didn't grow as the use cases grew.
Edward Lewis
NeuStar You can leave a voice message at +1-571-434-5468
As with IPv6, the problem with the deployment of frictionless surfaces is
that they're not getting traction.
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