On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 11:14:25AM -0500, Edward Lewis wrote:
> At 11:02 -0500 1/21/10, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
>> Sure, but this may well be the exception and not the rule.
> And I've heard the opposite.  "automated-registry[0]"-run zones are in 
> the minority.  (I.e., second level domains, third-level domains, etc...)

Sure.  I think the problem here is that we don't know.  I have no clue
how many systems are updated exclusively by Dynamic Update vs. by
someone opening the zonefile in vi.  I don't think anyone else knows,
either: the scope of DNS operations is far too widely dispersed for
anyone to have done anything like a survey.  Therefore, the best we
can do is recomment the techniques appropriate to different

It seems to me that one such technique is, "If it's easier for you to
transmit a new DS/DNSKEY than it is for you to roll a KSK, then you
don't need a separate KSK.  Just roll the one key and be done with

A separate question, then, is whether the operational regularity that
comes from exercising the above technique all the time outweighs the
risks associated with frequent key rolls that result from getting the
timing wrong.  (My personal opinion is a cautious "yes", but I don't
know how firmly I hold that view.)


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
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