At 16:08 -0400 9/3/09, Lee Howard wrote:

You can AXFR, or you can use the same algorithm:

That's the issue, keeping the zone's contents coherent (AXFR) or the zone's synthesis coherent (copying the algorithm from A to B).

generate on the fly--seems to be common practice already.  It doesn't
seem like PTR records need to be static just so transfers will work.

That's not where (static PTRs) I was going.  If my rule is like

     (I.e., mapping like 3ffe:cafe:cafe::8001 to ::8001.customer.isp.tld)

then I just need to ship that rule around.

It looks simple with one rule, but if there are many, I'd like see it automated.

I don't understand.

In a non-ISP environment, say a large enterprise, the situation is a little more dynamic. The solution should work for that too.

Go on...

If I wasn't busy with "work."  Just thinking of when I worked with ENUM stuff.

Edward Lewis
NeuStar                    You can leave a voice message at +1-571-434-5468

As with IPv6, the problem with the deployment of frictionless surfaces is
that they're not getting traction.
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