In message <002701ca2caf$549d3bd0$fdd7b3...@org>, "Lee Howard" writes:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: [] On Behalf Of
> Mark
> > Andrews
> > Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 9:53 PM
> > To: Doug Barton
> > Cc: dnsop
> > Subject: Re: [DNSOP] Draft on rDNS for IPv6: draft-howard-isp-ip6rdns-00
> > 
> > Windows already attempts to do UPDATE. It just does it over UDP.
> > Switching to TCP for the UPDATE message should be trivial.
> I guess that's for them to decide, but certainly the protocols are there.
> I think I said that in the draft, too.
> > Since this is IPv6 give each customer their own address block and
> > corresponding reverse zone.  You don't need a single big machine
> > to do this.
> Would you delegate the reverse zone to CPE, or support updates on
> your servers?

I would expect ISP's would accept updates on their own servers but
may support a delegation being added.

> Hm, need to filter at the edge, make sure customer's don't update
> each other's records.

A ISP should be doing this anyway for lots of reasons.  
> Some rate limiting, maybe. 

> Is a matching forward zone required, too?

Eventually.  IPv6 is a paradigm shift.

> Education needed:  how do you tell a residential user what server
> will accept their dynamic PTR updates?  

You can send to any nameserver listed for the zone with a preference
for the one that matched the SOA MNAME.

You can find the zone by doing a query for SOA <name of record to
be added> I have a expired draft which says to make the response
to this have a 0 ttl if it would be a NXDOMAIN so you use any cache
and not have the search poison the cache with a long lived NXDOMAIN
response.  The SOA's owner in the authority section will match the
zone's name.  From that you can get the zoness NS records etc.

It authoritative servers don't do RFC2308 you just stip the left
and label and try again.  You will get a SOA when you reach the
zone apex.
> Lee
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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