KatolaZ - 21.10.18, 11:21:
> On Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 01:43:42AM -0700, Jimmy Johnson wrote:
> Dear Jimmy,
> unfortunately the world is not divided into "good" vs "bad" at all
> times.

A world divided into "good" versus "bad" would be like "black" and 
"white" to me. I am happy to be able to experience all the other colors 
as well.

> It's a fact that some Devuan developers have offered to help with the
> maintenance of sysvinit *in Debian*, since we would have to maintain
> it nevertheless if it gets removed from Debian.
> It's a fact that this proposal has found the favour of many Debian
> developers, who publicly offered to sponsor our uploads.

I'd make that "some" instead of "many" Debian developers, but anyway, it 
is a good start. Change always starts with a few people.
> I personally value every contribution towards guaranteeing that
> alternatives to systemd can survive and flourish. Martin has made an
> effort to mediate the discussion with other Debian developers, and I
> thank him a lot for that.

You are welcome.

Thank you putting development work into this.

As soon as sysvinit is up on salsa.debian.org… I may apply for access as 
well to help to fix bugs. There are 49 tagged patch in the BTS, some of 
those may be low-hanging fruits to work on¹.

[1] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/sysvinit


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