On 10/20/18 11:07 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
On Sun, 21 Oct 2018 07:50:48 +0200
"J. Fahrner" <j...@fahrner.name> wrote:

Am 2018-10-21 03:41, schrieb Jimmy Johnson:
Pottering only selling point was the systemd is faster, my testings
on many systems says that's a lie. I'm not saying it can't be
faster, while using systemd if I push and hold the on/off switch my
computer shuts down fast.

If I understand you, you're trying to dump sysvinit because it's
old, well it's not nearly as old as me and I can still kick butt
and I see nothing wrong using sysv script, as a user it's working
for me, simple config I can read and edit.  What's wrong with


I already dumped sysvinit 3 years ago because runit is better for my

What I said was that if you like sysvinit, use it, but for gosh sakes
don't take the time and energy to modify it or update it or give it
systemd features.

By the way, you can use runit on top of sysvinit, which is dead bang
easy. As a matter of fact, it might be an improvement on pure runit
because you can run run-once processes from /etc/init.d/rc5.d, and run
supervised, restarting processes with runit.


Steve, I would like to run Devuan with out systemd packages messing with me or my system. Right now I don't think those packages care what init you're using, of course they prefer systemd because systemd can and will change things to accommodate what it wants to do, but those kernel calls do the same thing using those same systemd packages. Me I can stop those service I don't need or want, my requirements are simple, but people running servers, ouch! One other thing I notice is those kernel calls mess with Intel video drivers big time, ATI and Nvidia don't seem to suffer as much.

Bottom line is to get Devuan back to what Debian was and dump the systemd packages, all of them and I'm pretty sure there is someone working on Devuan doing that vary thing and I wish I could help, all I know to do is install and test, I've worked close with some past Debian Developers and they used my testing service and took my help while using private email.
Jimmy Johnson

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