On 21/11/17 19:46, Jaromil wrote:
On Tue, 21 Nov 2017, John Hughes wrote:

    Come to think about it, if the problem was that their rc.local
    was failing somewhere then they should be able to see that in the
    output of systemctl or journalctl.

    Assuming they're using systemd, of course.  :-)
Not really. Its not just me, systemd is not considered to be safe for
use by any security expert I know of (and I know more than I wish...)
a legendary Bitcoin core developer (luke-jr) is explicitly encouraging
the switch to Devuan, while many already use it to run full nodes
using bitcoin-knots. One day we may even release a Devuan-based distro

So, this whole /etc/rc.local kerfuffle, it happened on a system with systemd or sysvinit?

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