On 21/11/17 15:20, Jaromil wrote:
dear John and Olaf,
Thanks for proving me wrong, this is exactly what I hoped for.
I'm not actually sure you've been "proved wrong" -- in the case of a
Debian 9 system without the initscripts package installed (i.e. a fresh
install with systemd as pid 1 for example) then /etc/rc.local will not
be automatically created. However if it *is* created then systemd will
run it.
I also note as you point out that this behavior may be
counterproductive for the public perception of this project: a way or
another I also represent Devuan and maybe I should hold off this
attitude and post only things that I am sure of. This is difficult for
me, since I conceive spaces for debate as this and other mailinglists
as spaces where to share doubts, fears, needs and dreams even more
than findings and announcements, for which an article or a twit
@DevuanOrg may be better.
There can be nothing wrong in admitting ignorance or searching for
information. However making strong, even aggressive or insulting,
statements based on partial knowledge seems unlikely to advance the
cause of Peace on Earth. :-)
while the rc.local case its just that people don't care
about the regressions introduced by systemd.
Except that systemd introduces no regressions with rc.local. In fact
it's systemd that includes the compatibility code to make sure that
/etc/rc.local is run if it exists. This comes from the systemd team,
not from Debian:
Copyright 2010 Lennart Poettering
Copyright 2011 Michal Schmidt
Then I believe we also agree that rc.local is a serious regressions?
What regression?
because it now needs to be activated via two new systemctl commands,
No it doesn't. The systemd-rc-local-generator is run by systemd, users
don't need to worry about it.
In Debian right now I don't even see a debate,
A debate about what? Whether rc.local should be run? Whoever said it
shouldn't be? Or that it won't be in the future?
only rumors of "deprecation" in other
avenues. Whatever that may mean for Debian and its future.
Rumors. From some of the least reliable tech sites on the web
(stackoverflow! Ack Pfft!). Did you see any of these "rumors" on an
actual Debian site or mailing list?
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