Hi again Hleb, the link in my example points to a *Git* repository *of a
debian package*. I didn't understand you, sorry.
The Development Team of BulmaGes has been using those lines:
|Homepage: http://bulmages.net
XS-Vcs-Git: git://gitorious.org/bulmages/bulmages.git
XS-Vcs-Browser: https://gitorious.org/bulmages/bulmages/trees/.....
during years in debian/control. Gitorious is missing. But here you are an
So, it is wrong?
Have a nice day,
El 25/09/15 a las 11:16, aitor_czr <aitor_...@gnuinos.org> escribió:
Hi Hleb, you are right !!
El 25/09/15 a las 08:44, aitor_czr escribió:
>Hi Hleb,
>Those lines are located in debian/control. So..., an APT repository
>pointing to itself?
>Here you are an example random search in git:
>El 25/09/15 a las 05:02, Hleb Valoshka<375...@gmail.com> escribió:
>>On 9/24/15, Edward Bartolo<edb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >What about these?
>>> >
>>> >debhttp://packages.gnuinos.org/devuan/ jessie main
>>> >deb-srchttp://packages.gnuinos.org/devuan/ jessie main
>>>>> >>>XS-Vcs-Git:g...@git.devuan.org:edbarx/netman.git
>>>>> >>>XS-Vcs-Browser:https://git.devuan.org/edbarx/netman.git
>>>> >>
>>>> >>These two should point to a package repository not an upstream one.
>>Once again: XS-Vcs-* should point to VSC (git/hg/svn/etc) repository
>>of debian package.
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